Episode 2.11 Marijuana, Sperm, Covid, Breasts, and More!

In this episode, we discuss some Covid updates. Then we talk about marijuana and CBD use in pregnancy as well as the effects of marijuana use on sperm counts. We talk about the debate of whether sperm counts are becoming lower globally over the last 60 years (and whether breasts are becoming bigger). We talk about how to define normal. Finally, we have three updates about gestational diabetes, including when to perform a 75 gram test and and the value of early diabetes screens in at risk women. 

Links Discussed:

Risk for Stillbirth Among Women With and Without COVID-19 at Delivery Hospitalization — United States, March 2020–September 2021

COVID-19 and cause of pregnancy loss during the pandemic: A systematic review

Maternal cannabis use is associated with suppression of immune gene networks in placenta and increased anxiety phenotypes in offspring

ACOG Committee Opinion: Marijuana Use During Pregnancy and Lactation

NYT: Sperm Count ‘Crisis’ Doesn’t Add Up

The future of sperm: a biovariability framework for understanding global sperm count trends

Fertility And Sterility: Are worldwide sperm counts declining?

NY Times: Are 8 Out of 10 Women Really Wearing the Wrong Bra Size?

Effects of Changing Diagnostic Criteria for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Queensland, Australia

Two-day postpartum compared with 4- to 12-week postpartum glucose tolerance testing for women with gestational diabetes

Early gestational diabetes screening in obese women: a randomized controlled trial