Episode 5.8 Medical and Surgical Management of Missed Abortion
In this episode, we discuss a variety of commonly ordered prenatal labs that are unnecessary. We also discuss new studies that affect both surgical and medical management of miscarriage. Finally, we debunk a new study that claims that induction of labor leads to lower test performance in children.
Links Discussed:
ACOG: Vitamin D Screening and Supplementation During Pregnancy
Tranexamic Acid to Prevent Obstetrical Hemorrhage after Cesarean Delivery
Operative Hysteroscopy vs Vacuum Aspiration for Incomplete Spontaneous Abortion
Hysteroscopic resection for management of early pregnancy loss: a case report and literature review
Targeted Hysteroscopic Resection of a Spontaneous Missed Abortion
Hysteroscopic resection for management of early pregnancy loss: a case report and literature review
Labor Induction Linked to Lower School Performance in Children